20 Things That COVID-19 Has Taught Us (Me)

1.   Taking time out each day for little breaks makes a big difference in work productivity.

2.   The technology that I put off learning – wish I started sooner; but am getting better.

3.   I miss watching sports, but it is not that important.

4.   Money still isn’t everything, but an emergency fund is, well, just what it sounds like.

5.   Live-stream and online church services are nice, but not like being there.

6.   Friendships are vitally important; not surface relationships, rather, meaningful connection with others.

7.   Sleeping 7-8 hours per night really does make a difference, especially in times of added stress.

8.    It is necessary to continuously strive to be creative and make every aspect of work and life better.

9.   Many meetings CAN be done by video conference.

10. Walking is great, yet I miss swimming.

11.   Having one’s own vehicle is better than public transportation.  Yet, I suppose I do not need to make as many of those trips as I once thought.

12.   Curbside grocery pick-up might become a bit more typical. 

13.   Takeout food is OK, but just like #5 above – not the same as being there.

14.   Perhaps companies will find a way to become proficient at having a segment of remote or work-from home team members.

15.   Hopefully, picnics and gatherings with family and friends will take-on a whole new meaning.

16.   Time flies when you’re having fun.  So too, time slows down when one experiences joy.

17.   Reading for fun, not just for work or learning is cathartic.

18.   In awe of the courageous essential healthcare workers and first-responders.  Just like those in our military and armed forces, “Thank you for your service.”

19.  Laugh more often - especially at myself.

20.  Help lighten someone else’s burden.

Posted on May 12, 2020 .