A new year is an ideal time to start anew, revisit what we do well, and perhaps develop better habits. This is especially true with managing one’s time. We should avoid envying others who seem to be capable of doing it all. In reality, they have the same 24 hours in a day that you and I have.
For years, I admired the CEO of a regional company for his apparent ability to manage multiple priorities – both in his business and personal life. So, I asked him what the greatest challenge is he faces; his response surprised me, “I worry about keeping it all together.” When asked to elaborate, he shared that he fears letting himself and others down because of all the obligations and commitments that accompany being the CEO of a major employer.
It might be helpful to ponder what St. Paul says in his letter to the Ephesians (5:15-20). When reading this, it becomes abundantly clear that time management can best be thought of as self-management. We should avoid the things that are harmful, hurtful and wasteful. So too, he concludes, “giving thanks for all things…” There must be something helpful, and perhaps sacred about doing one’s best to maintain a sense of gratitude.
Yet, because we are human, we will sometimes squander time. We can get pulled in the direction of checking social media, the news, sports scores, stock results, or some other diversion or unnecessary concern.
Brother David Steindl-Rast reminds us that every second is a new opportunity. If you wasted the previous second, move beyond and start anew. Do not squander that second. It might be the best opportunity you have.